You are here: Home Institutions SA Carbon Sinks Atlas SA Carbon Sinks Atlas Metadata Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 in t/ha

Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 in t/ha

{'subtitle': '', 'contributors': [{'contributorName': 'Marc Pienaar', 'contributorType': 'ProjectMember', 'affiliation': 'SAEON, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa'}, {'contributorName': 'Karen Steenkamp', 'contributorType': 'ContactPerson', 'affiliation': 'CSIR,PO Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa'}], 'userId': '', 'xsiSchema': '', 'titles': [{'titleType': '', 'title': 'Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 in t/ha'}], 'owner': '', 'subjects': [{'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': 'Below ground'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' herbaceous'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' biomass'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' SANLC2018'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' land cover'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' CarbonSinksAtlasV3'}], 'additionalFields': {'coverageBegin': '2018', 'onlineResources': [{'href': '', 'func': 'service', 'desc': 'Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 in t/ha'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'download', 'desc': 'Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 in t/ha'}], 'coverageEnd': '2018'}, 'geoLocations': [{'geoLocationBox': '-34.92563587 15.9208908 -21.94887924 33.55348867'}], 'userVersion': '', 'description': [{'descriptionType': '', 'description': 'Below ground herbaceous values were calculated with the same set of equations as used for above ground herbaceous layers. Agricultural biomass is reduced with a factor of 0.2 of the above ground biomass while a ratio of 1:1 is assumed between above ground and below ground herbaceous biomass for natural vegetation. The South African Land Cover 2018 (SANLC) was used to calculate biomass per land cover class for 2018.'}], 'dates': [{'date': '', 'dateType': 'Accepted'}, {'date': '', 'dateType': 'Issued'}], 'relatedIdentifiers': [], 'publisher': 'Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries', 'publicationYear': '2020', 'identifier': {'identifier': '10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000105', 'identifierType': 'DOI'}, 'language': 'eng', 'rights': [{'rightsURI': '', 'rights': 'Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)'}], 'resourceType': 'on', 'sizes': [], 'bounds': [], 'resourceTypeGeneral': '', 'alternateIdentifiers': [], 'creators': [{'affiliation': u'Meiring Naud\xe9 Road, Brummeria, Pretoria', 'creatorName': 'CSIR Smart Places'}]}
Citation (What is it about and who created it or owns it)
Title Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 in t/ha
Publication Date2020
PublisherDepartment of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Creator (Author/ Responsible Party) CSIR Smart Places , Affiliation: Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria
Contributor ProjectMember : Marc Pienaar , Affiliation: SAEON, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Contributor ContactPerson : Karen Steenkamp , Affiliation: CSIR,PO Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Permanent Identifier 10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000105 (DOI)
Online Resources
Service Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 ...
Download Below ground herbaceous biomass for 2018 ...
Usage, Restrictions, Caveat
Licencing and Usage Rights Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) ( )
Below ground herbaceous values were calculated with the same set of equations as used for above ground herbaceous layers. Agricultural biomass is reduced with a factor of 0.2 of the above ground biomass while a ratio of 1:1 is assumed between above ground and below ground herbaceous biomass for natural vegetation. The South African Land Cover 2018 (SANLC) was used to calculate biomass per land cover class for 2018.
Data Dictionary/ Schema
Dictionary URL or Schema
Coverage (Main Dimensions of the Data)
Start Date2018
End Date2018
Date ( Accepted )
Date ( Issued )
Subjects Below ground
Subjects herbaceous
Subjects biomass
Subjects SANLC2018
Subjects land cover
Subjects CarbonSinksAtlasV3
Metadata Elements
Metadata Standarddatacite
Repository SA Carbon Sinks Atlas
Technical Data Set Parameters
Data Representationon
Spatial Coverage
Data Set Versions and Relationships