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LADA Degradation Index

{'subtitle': '', 'contributors': [{'contributorName': 'South African Environmental Observation Network', 'contributorType': 'HostingInstitution', 'affiliation': 'SAEON - National Office, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa'}], 'userId': '', 'xsiSchema': '', 'titles': [{'titleType': '', 'title': 'LADA Degradation Index'}], 'owner': '', 'subjects': [{'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': 'LADA'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' Degradation Index'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' WOCAT'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' Degradation'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' South Africa'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' Degradation Index'}], 'additionalFields': {'coverageBegin': '2006', 'onlineResources': [{'href': ',-34.877628162777484,33.49846888410278,-21.986412466542838&width=512&height=378&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers', 'func': 'service', 'desc': 'LADA Degradation Index'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'download', 'desc': 'LADA Degradation Index'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'information', 'desc': 'LADA Degradation Index'}], 'coverageEnd': '2011'}, 'geoLocations': [{'geoLocationBox': '-34.709233 16.081523 -22.098501 33.484393'}], 'userVersion': '', 'description': [{'descriptionType': '', 'description': 'Land degradation is a complex set of processes of impoverishment of terrestrial ecosystems mainly under the impact of human activities. Land degradation can be understood as the gradual or permanent loss of productivity of the land to produce ecosystem goods and services. During the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project, the South African National Assessment of Land Degradation and Conservation was done between 2008 and 2011. 728 Contributing specialists throughout the country contribute their knowledge and experience on land degradation and sustainable land management during a series of 34 Participatory Expert Assessment Workshops. It is important to notice that the results of these national assessments are qualitative in nature and based on the perceptions of contributing specialists based on the assumption that they all know their respective assessment areas well enough to report on land degradation and conservation attributes. Variables on the state of land degradation (the extend, degree and rate of degradation processes) were combined with the level of impact of these degradation processes on ecosystem services to provide an unique Degradation Index (DI) for each type of degradation identified by the contributing specialist for each mapping unit as defined by the LADA Land Use Map for South Africa. The DI values range from 0 to 100, for all degradation types identified. The higher the DI value, the more degraded the area are.'}], 'dates': [{'date': '', 'dateType': 'Accepted'}, {'date': '', 'dateType': 'Issued'}], 'relatedIdentifiers': [], 'publisher': 'Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)', 'publicationYear': '2016', 'identifier': {'identifier': '10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000018', 'identifierType': 'DOI'}, 'language': 'eng', 'rights': [{'rightsURI': '', 'rights': 'Composite or Custom License'}], 'resourceType': 'on', 'sizes': [], 'bounds': [], 'resourceTypeGeneral': '', 'alternateIdentifiers': [], 'creators': [{'affiliation': 'National Office, Private Bag x250, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa', 'creatorName': 'Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)'}]}
Citation (What is it about and who created it or owns it)
Title LADA Degradation Index
Publication Date2016
PublisherDepartment of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)
Creator (Author/ Responsible Party) Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) , Affiliation: National Office, Private Bag x250, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Contributor HostingInstitution : South African Environmental Observation Network , Affiliation: SAEON - National Office, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Permanent Identifier 10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000018 (DOI)
Online Resources
Service LADA Degradation Index
Download LADA Degradation Index
Information LADA Degradation Index
Usage, Restrictions, Caveat
Licencing and Usage Rights Composite or Custom License ( )
Land degradation is a complex set of processes of impoverishment of terrestrial ecosystems mainly under the impact of human activities. Land degradation can be understood as the gradual or permanent loss of productivity of the land to produce ecosystem goods and services. During the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project, the South African National Assessment of Land Degradation and Conservation was done between 2008 and 2011. 728 Contributing specialists throughout the country contribute their knowledge and experience on land degradation and sustainable land management during a series of 34 Participatory Expert Assessment Workshops. It is important to notice that the results of these national assessments are qualitative in nature and based on the perceptions of contributing specialists based on the assumption that they all know their respective assessment areas well enough to report on land degradation and conservation attributes. Variables on the state of land degradation (the extend, degree and rate of degradation processes) were combined with the level of impact of these degradation processes on ecosystem services to provide an unique Degradation Index (DI) for each type of degradation identified by the contributing specialist for each mapping unit as defined by the LADA Land Use Map for South Africa. The DI values range from 0 to 100, for all degradation types identified. The higher the DI value, the more degraded the area are.
Data Dictionary/ Schema
Dictionary URL or Schema
Coverage (Main Dimensions of the Data)
Start Date2006
End Date2011
Date ( Accepted )
Date ( Issued )
Subjects LADA
Subjects Degradation Index
Subjects WOCAT
Subjects Degradation
Subjects South Africa
Subjects Degradation Index
Metadata Elements
Metadata Standarddatacite
Repository SA Carbon Sinks Atlas
Technical Data Set Parameters
Data Representationon
Spatial Coverage
Data Set Versions and Relationships