You are here: Home Institutions SA Carbon Sinks Atlas SA Carbon Sinks Atlas Metadata 2013-14 SA National Land-Cover – broad parent classes

2013-14 SA National Land-Cover – broad parent classes

{'subtitle': '', 'contributors': [{'contributorName': 'South African Environmental Observation Network', 'contributorType': 'HostingInstitution', 'affiliation': 'SAEON - National Office, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa'}], 'userId': '', 'xsiSchema': '', 'titles': [{'titleType': '', 'title': u'2013-14 SA National Land-Cover \u2013 broad parent classes'}], 'owner': '', 'subjects': [{'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': 'Land cover'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' Land cover 2013-2014'}], 'additionalFields': {'coverageBegin': '2013', 'onlineResources': [{'href': ',-36.59140636156664,35.91041683561169,-19.833605233047937&width=512&height=383&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers', 'func': 'service', 'desc': u'2013-14 SA National Land-Cover \u2013 broad parent classes'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'download', 'desc': u'2013-14 SA National Land-Cover \u2013 broad parent classes'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'information', 'desc': u'2013-14 SA National Land-Cover \u2013 broad parent classes'}], 'coverageEnd': '2014'}, 'geoLocations': [{'geoLocationBox': '-35.294211 15.108473 -21.786451 33.680754'}], 'userVersion': '', 'description': [{'descriptionType': '', 'description': "The 2013-14 South African National Land-cover dataset produced by GEOTERRAIMAGE as a commercial data product has been generated from digital, multi-seasonal Landsat 8 multispectral imagery, acquired between April 2013 and March 2014. In excess of 600 Landsat images were used to generate the land-cover information, based on an average of 8 different seasonal image acquisition dates, within each of the 76 x image frames required to cover South Africa. The land-cover dataset, which covers the whole of South Africa, is presented in a map-corrected, raster format, based on 30x30m cells equivalent to the image resolution of the source Landsat 8 multi-spectral imagery. The dataset contains 72 x land-cover / use information classes, covering a wide range of natural and man-made landscape characteristics. The original land-cover dataset was processed in UTM (north) / WGS84 map projection format based on the Landsat 8 standard map projection format as provided by the USGS.\n \n For the purposes of the Carbon Atlas, the original 72 land cover classes were reclassified to 12 broad parent classes according to the definitions in Appendix A and hierarchical classes in Appendix E of GTI's Data User and Metadata Report. The colour scheme is similar to the colours used in the 72 original classes.\n This new layer serves as a reference for the Carbon layers and was resampled to an equivalent resolution of 1 km. Re-projection from UTM35 to Albers Conic Equal Area projection WGS84 was done."}], 'dates': [{'date': '', 'dateType': 'Accepted'}, {'date': '', 'dateType': 'Issued'}], 'relatedIdentifiers': [], 'publisher': 'Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)', 'publicationYear': '2015', 'identifier': {'identifier': '10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000015', 'identifierType': 'DOI'}, 'language': 'eng', 'rights': [{'rightsURI': '', 'rights': 'Composite or Custom License'}], 'resourceType': 'on', 'sizes': [], 'bounds': [], 'resourceTypeGeneral': '', 'alternateIdentifiers': [], 'creators': [{'affiliation': 'National Office, Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa', 'creatorName': 'Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)'}]}
Citation (What is it about and who created it or owns it)
Title 2013-14 SA National Land-Cover – broad parent classes
Publication Date2015
PublisherDepartment of Environmental Affairs (DEA)
Creator (Author/ Responsible Party) Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) , Affiliation: National Office, Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Contributor HostingInstitution : South African Environmental Observation Network , Affiliation: SAEON - National Office, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Permanent Identifier 10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000015 (DOI)
Online Resources
Service 2013-14 SA National Land-Cover – broad p ...
Download 2013-14 SA National Land-Cover – broad p ...
Information 2013-14 SA National Land-Cover – broad p ...
Usage, Restrictions, Caveat
Licencing and Usage Rights Composite or Custom License ( )
The 2013-14 South African National Land-cover dataset produced by GEOTERRAIMAGE as a commercial data product has been generated from digital, multi-seasonal Landsat 8 multispectral imagery, acquired between April 2013 and March 2014. In excess of 600 Landsat images were used to generate the land-cover information, based on an average of 8 different seasonal image acquisition dates, within each of the 76 x image frames required to cover South Africa. The land-cover dataset, which covers the whole of South Africa, is presented in a map-corrected, raster format, based on 30x30m cells equivalent to the image resolution of the source Landsat 8 multi-spectral imagery. The dataset contains 72 x land-cover / use information classes, covering a wide range of natural and man-made landscape characteristics. The original land-cover dataset was processed in UTM (north) / WGS84 map projection format based on the Landsat 8 standard map projection format as provided by the USGS. For the purposes of the Carbon Atlas, the original 72 land cover classes were reclassified to 12 broad parent classes according to the definitions in Appendix A and hierarchical classes in Appendix E of GTI's Data User and Metadata Report. The colour scheme is similar to the colours used in the 72 original classes. This new layer serves as a reference for the Carbon layers and was resampled to an equivalent resolution of 1 km. Re-projection from UTM35 to Albers Conic Equal Area projection WGS84 was done.
Data Dictionary/ Schema
Dictionary URL or Schema
Coverage (Main Dimensions of the Data)
Start Date2013
End Date2014
Date ( Accepted )
Date ( Issued )
Subjects Land cover
Subjects Land cover 2013-2014
Metadata Elements
Metadata Standarddatacite
Repository SA Carbon Sinks Atlas
Technical Data Set Parameters
Data Representationon
Spatial Coverage
Data Set Versions and Relationships