You are here: Home Institutions SA Carbon Sinks Atlas SA Carbon Sinks Atlas Metadata Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)

Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)

{'subtitle': '', 'contributors': [{'contributorName': 'South African Environmental Observation Network', 'contributorType': 'HostingInstitution', 'affiliation': 'SAEON - National Office, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa'}], 'userId': '', 'xsiSchema': '', 'titles': [{'titleType': '', 'title': 'Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)'}], 'owner': '', 'subjects': [{'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': 'Woody fraction cover'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' LiDAR'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' ALOS PALSAR'}, {'subjectScheme': '', 'schemeURI': '', 'subject': ' SAR'}], 'additionalFields': {'coverageBegin': '2010', 'onlineResources': [{'href': ',-2879818.76144,715213.360002,-2458800.03614&width=273&height=512&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers', 'func': 'service', 'desc': 'Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'download', 'desc': 'Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)'}, {'href': '', 'func': 'information', 'desc': 'Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)'}], 'coverageEnd': ''}, 'geoLocations': [{'geoLocationBox': '-26.076675 29.826685 -22.250243 32.225185'}], 'userVersion': '', 'description': [{'descriptionType': '', 'description': 'Woody fraction cover: The woody cover fraction is the fraction of area (0 to 1) projected on a horizontal plane occupied by woody plants. The product was developed through the integration of 2010 ALOS PALSAR-1 synthetic aperture radar images and LiDAR tracks. The LiDAR tracks were processed to derive a canopy height model for woody vegetation above 1 m at 1m pixel size, and to generate a detailed LiDAR woody cover product at 25m pixel size. The dual-polarized (HV, HH) SAR bands were modelled using the LiDAR woody cover as reference data for calibration and validation of the final SAR woody fraction cover map.\n \n Units: Percent Woody fraction cover'}], 'dates': [{'date': '', 'dateType': 'Accepted'}, {'date': '', 'dateType': 'Issued'}], 'relatedIdentifiers': [], 'publisher': 'CSIR', 'publicationYear': '2015', 'identifier': {'identifier': '10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000013', 'identifierType': 'DOI'}, 'language': 'eng', 'rights': [{'rightsURI': '', 'rights': 'Composite or Custom License'}], 'resourceType': 'on', 'sizes': [], 'bounds': [], 'resourceTypeGeneral': '', 'alternateIdentifiers': [], 'creators': [{'affiliation': u'Meiring Naud\xe9 Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa', 'creatorName': 'CSIR'}]}
Citation (What is it about and who created it or owns it)
Title Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Percent)
Publication Date2015
Creator (Author/ Responsible Party) CSIR , Affiliation: Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa
Contributor HostingInstitution : South African Environmental Observation Network , Affiliation: SAEON - National Office, PO Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Permanent Identifier 10.15493/DEA.CARBON.10000013 (DOI)
Online Resources
Service Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Perc ...
Download Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Perc ...
Information Lowveld SAR Woody Fractional Cover (Perc ...
Usage, Restrictions, Caveat
Licencing and Usage Rights Composite or Custom License ( )
Woody fraction cover: The woody cover fraction is the fraction of area (0 to 1) projected on a horizontal plane occupied by woody plants. The product was developed through the integration of 2010 ALOS PALSAR-1 synthetic aperture radar images and LiDAR tracks. The LiDAR tracks were processed to derive a canopy height model for woody vegetation above 1 m at 1m pixel size, and to generate a detailed LiDAR woody cover product at 25m pixel size. The dual-polarized (HV, HH) SAR bands were modelled using the LiDAR woody cover as reference data for calibration and validation of the final SAR woody fraction cover map. Units: Percent Woody fraction cover
Data Dictionary/ Schema
Dictionary URL or Schema
Coverage (Main Dimensions of the Data)
Start Date2010
Date ( Accepted )
Date ( Issued )
Subjects Woody fraction cover
Subjects LiDAR
Subjects SAR
Metadata Elements
Metadata Standarddatacite
Repository SA Carbon Sinks Atlas
Technical Data Set Parameters
Data Representationon
Spatial Coverage
Data Set Versions and Relationships